Sunday, September 28, 2008

Did Obama Fight?!?

I read an article from the Sun Times written by Mary Mitchell.  The argument that was clearly stated in this article was that during the presidential debate Obama did a good job of bringing up key points and getting in a few punches of his own.  The article states that he was able to hold his own against the fierce McCain.  The evidence of this argument was numerous quotes from a state employees saying that he had a lot of poise and clarity in the debate and kept his cool when the pressure built up on him.
I think the argument was a strong one and used pathos as well as ethos very well to prove that the statement made was valid.  I believe that it was successful in getting the reader to believe that Obama has a strong character and is suitable for president.  One thing that hurt the argument thought was the clear bias for Obama.  In more ways than one it is evident that Obama is praised and McCain is downsized; other than that it was a very effective argument.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Sticking Together

I was watching a show on Animal Planet yesterday about lions and their hunting techniques and something jumped out at me about this one.  Lions hunt as a whole, not as an individual, and in one scene  the lion pride was trying single out a buffalo to prey upon.  Then the deep narrator's voice came in and said that the buffalo travel everywhere together because their numbers are their only defense against the lions.  SoI thought it was funny that the Puritans and buffalo alike both turn to community in a time of need.  Also, when a calf is born, the buffalo herd keeps the calf close to the middle so it will be safer from lions and other prey.  Puritans do quite a similar thing with their children and their lives too by having such strict rules against sinning.  By not letting anyone sin or individualize themselves Puritans pushed all of their people to the middle and into a community as a form of defense against the rest of the world.  
I think the Puritans had the right idea; a community is a very effective way for a secular group of people to stay alive in general, but when the word individualism does not exist is when it has gotten too far.  People need to be together in our world to stay alive, but people also need to be themselves and make their own mistakes and glories.  Like I said, I do think community is a great thing to turn to in a perilous time, but it is the way one goes about getting there that can be flawed.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Still Happening?!?

I was sitting at my computer looking at youtube videos and I noticed one concerning Native Americans and hurricane Gustav.  I started watching this video and was appalled by what it said.  It was talking about how a Native American tribe or reservation had been literally wiped out by the hurricane and was receiving little to no help from FEMA.  The video went on to talk about how FEMA claimed it was not nationally noticed so help would take longer.  You can watch the video for yourself.  
After I was finished watching this outrageous video I began asking myself why stuff like this is still going on?  It is ridiculous.  How can people be so blind in thinking the color of one's skin or one's rationality should entitle or not entitle them to help when in a life-threatening situation?  I am sure if the situation was switched FEMA would be pretty pissed off too.  It really just blows my mind that all of this racism and stuff with Native Americans is still going on.  If I were a Native American, I probably would not even want to be living in the same country as us.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008