Sunday, November 9, 2008

Another Example

I just went with my parents to see the movie "Changeling," and although we are no longer in the perilous times unit, I found this to be a prime example of why authority's power should never be expanded under any circumstances.
Long story short, a woman loses her child and then the corrupt police force finds another random child and tries to convince her that it is hers.  It ends up becoming some bid thing and so on, good movie though.  Anyway, more in depth, the captain of the LAPD realizes that they messed up with the whole missing child thing and is so stubborn to the point where he claims the woman is insane and throws her in a psychiatric ward.  Also, and this is all based off a true story, the captain assigned fifty of his own men to become the new LAPD and basically gave them a license to kill whoever they wanted whenever they wanted.  Is that okay?  Why did that captain have so much authority and power beyond what he should have?  We will never know, but until that woman stood up to him and brought down all the corruption he was having a field day.  That is one of many situations in which a leader or authority figure was given power and not only used it for his own greed, but endangered and killed many people with it and should not have had all that power in the first place.  This was in 1930, but I hope we can learn from our mistakes like we should.

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