Monday, February 16, 2009

Jason and Huck

I just saw the new Friday the 13th movie with a few of my friends.  It is about a boy named Jason who drowned at camp.  The counselors did not save him, so his mom came and killed everyone and so on like every other slasher movie.  Then there was one girl left who ended up killing Jason's mom, and before she died she told Jason to kill everyone who ever came back there.  Of course he does and that is the movie, but what stood out to me was the whole idea of nurture vs. nature.  This movie was clearly a case of nurture taking over and having a greater impact than nature on the character.  In juxtaposition to Huck Finn, we see that nature has more of an impact on Huck than nurture.
With the movie Jason's mother was loving and cared for him, so when she died he followed her dying words and her guidelines blindly, but in Huck Finn his dad was abusive and far from loving, so Huck eventually pulled through the nurtured habits of his father and found his own.  This sort of brings up the idea that in terms of whether nature or nurture will impact a person more, the one doing the teaching and nurturing and their personality and actions effectively skews the answer to that question.

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