Sunday, December 14, 2008

We Can Change

Last night I had a mini birthday party with a bunch of my friends and we all saw the Imax movie "The Day the Earth Stood Still."  It was basically about how aliens come down to our planet and tell us we are killing it.  They said earth was the last planet capable of supporting complex life and they could not risk letting us destroy it.  Obviously, knock on wood, aliens are not going to come down and kill all of us for polluting our planet to death, but I think the idea of is not far from the truth.  Personally, I find the whole global climate crisis to be no more than the fluctuation of earth's temperature patterns, but that is not my point.  My point is that once something like global climate crisis gets worse and we actually start noticing the terrible things we predict might happen, maybe then we will all be re-awakened and finally, since possible death is looking us in the face, be able to change.
I know this does not have too much to do with what we are talking about, but at the same time this whole idea of what humans call progress has really got me thinking about more than just that.  It has got me thinking about bigger things as well, and in some ways has actually opened my eyes to faults our society has and has the ability to change.  So as I have said recently in all of my blogs, it might be a good idea for us all to think about what we are doing and may be think about how we can change as a whole as well.

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